mardi 25 septembre 2012

Unbearable health system

Last sunday, I borrowed from the library Sicko from M. Moore which were released in 2007. 
What I saw was unbelievable and often unbearable. A man who had two of his fingers cut by a saw just had the one which cost $12,000 removed  ; as he didn't have any health insurance, he couldn't afford the other removal at $60,000.
People die in the wealthiest country of the world (America has the highest GDP/hab) because of private profitable health insurance companies. A man had a cancer, doctors found an issue which was denied by his health insurance ; he had to hold on the phone several times to try to convince them, it didn't work. He died in one month. A little girl had a stroke, with calling the 911, the ambulance drove her at a hospital but the insurance told the mother to go in the other town's hospital because they have an agreement with it, the little girl died in the cab...
This hell system began with Nixon and it will never end, it seems, because the lobbying of this big health insurance firms are overwhelmed. If a politician try to change it, ads are all over TV and newspapers about "socialized medicine" and how can politicians have this idea when both parties receive so much fundraising from this companies...
The movie is sometimes weak when it compares this health system to others or when it talks a long time about 9/11 but to anderstand this crazy health nightmare system, it's definitely good. Our health system is definitely better in France but I didn't have any civil servant who came to do my laundry after my birth delivery. You learn also that some Americans do mariages in name only with Canadians to benefit from their health system. Cuba health system is great but never it says it's in a dictature...
How can Americans sustain this crazy system ; they are supposed to be a model of democracy... In this field they have to learn about other countries.

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