mercredi 19 septembre 2012

From the beginning, America is a country of immigrants. Even now, they are welcoming people from all around the world. For sure, it's not that simple, depending in which decade you arrived and from where. But still, it's their strength.
In our neighboroud, one old man is from East Germany ; he was under the bombs during the second world war in Dresde. I met one woman who kept links with cousins in Alsace, France ; her grandfather escaped this area at the end of the 19th century because of the Germans. Diane is perfoming ballet with a girl from Beijing, China. This week end I'll will have a piq niq with a family from Mexico. 
In the department of economics, all professors are American but some are from Greece, others from Portugal...

Furthermore, immigration stories can be triky and ended sadly. Last night I watched the movie The visitor. It's about a young man who arrived in Michigan from Syria eight years ago with his mother after his father died in jail because he wrotes as  a journalist articles which didn't please the government. They didn't get the green card but managed to stay; He was arrested in the New York's subway, he stayed in a detention center for a while and was deported to Syria at the end. Be an Arabic immigrant after 9/11 isn't that easy.

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