mardi 11 septembre 2012

Charter schools versus public schools

The first time I went to take a coffee with parents who were involved in the public elementary school, they talked about their deception to not attend the famous charter school of Newark.
In fact, in our neighbourhood, some kids are going to the public schoool and some lucky guys are going to the charter school.
What's the difference between those schools? They have in common to be both public schools. Charters schools were born under Clinton presidency because public schools were "bad" in a lot of states : children didn't learn a lot, teachers were unionized and can't be fired, low achievement results at the end. In peculiar states like Delaware it was obvious. A charter school has autonomy, the principal can hire and fire teachers, parents are involved, they are held accontable for achievments results. Good news in Newark : the charter began with elementary classes, after it opened a middle school and next year it will be also a higschool.
How do you enter this so dreamy school? There is the hic, by a lottery every year, if you are lucky in gambling you can have your chance. When one of your kids is in, all siblings can follow. So some families trie the lotery every year and fail...
But the ordinary public school is great, now this school have to compete to keep students ; it improves its results. It's a race, sometimes tiring.
One professor at the university was very unhappy to not win the lotery for his children, hopefully you have private schools for those who can afford it. Not far from where we live, is the Independant school, more than 13 000 $ a year.

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