dimanche 17 mars 2013

Sex offenders, Not In My Backyard !

I'm sure you feel the same, of course no one would like to live near a sex offender who just went out from jail. But at the same time, we live in society ; and if he had done his sentence, the society must try to reintegrate him. It's a trade off between your personal interest and the society's interest, sometimes lawyers and politicians must undertake courageous measures.
In California and Texas, right now, some mayors in their towns and villages, have built tiny playgrounds and parks to avoid sex offenders' homes. They can't live near a school or a public park. One playground installation company has advertised its services "Able to build a pocket park so that sex offenders are ban from your area".
Sex offenders are more likely to be homeless and as a lawyer put it "it's couterproductive to public safety, because when you have nothing to lose, you are much more likely to commit a crime than when you are rebuilding your life"...
it's a map, dots are the locations of sex offenders houses.

One of my friend is on a list from where she can know if a sex offender lives near her house. She has just learned that one of her neighbour moved out nearby. She knows his address, his picture, the gravity of the offense (it was sex with a 17 years ols girl) and when it occured (quite a long time ago). You can subscribe to a website Family Watchdog-Awareness is your best defense...
Do you remember Roman Polanski? When it happens one, the American society will never forget and erase your crime.

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