jeudi 7 mars 2013

Martha's highschool

I was invited to talk about my french way of life in front of the students of my friend french teacher, Martha. Since 2012, highschool students are required to take two years of foreign langage to be able to graduate. Students have classes from monday to friday, it begins at 7:30AM and it's until 2:30PM. There a lot of adults  apart from teachers : counsellors (if you have watched Six feet under, you see what I mean, Claire's counselor), nurses (the nursery was impressive), office's workers. There were 1500 students in this highschool. Teachers must be in the highschool all day long, 5 days a week, apart from teaching, they have hallway survelance, "boring" too many meetings... It don't left them too much time to prepare their sessions and to grade papers.
The art classroom was amazing, so huge with a lot of materials compare to France. This highschool has also a football team, cheerlealders, a music band... American highschool, like in the movies and the books.

As I talked about "crêperies", Martha cooked very good crêpes.
PS for thje students : I have enjoyed this time with you. I hope you will be able one day to visit France and while entering a coffeeshop, you will say "Garçon, un café s'il vous plaît". So you have to work your french right now !

3 commentaires:

  1. Elle fait bien envie cette galette !!!

    1. Elles étaient très bonnes ! Bon on s'éclate avec les commentaires. Alors, ça y est blogspot n'a plus de secret pour toi.

  2. pas vraiment pour la maitrise de blogspot !! lol ! en tout cas, le concept est super et j'aime bien l'idée de partager.... ;-))
    En tout cas, ton blog est ben tenu et je suis contente de l'avoir découvert !
