vendredi 15 février 2013

The 2d amendment of the US constitution

Each day when you listen to the radio or watch the news on TV you hear shootings that occured in the countryside or in some town, in a family meeting or with cops or gangs or because you were a pedestrian who crossed the way of a gunman.
Obama, last wednesday in front of the Congress for his speech about the Union, talked about it and said that all politicians must be aware of this issue and arrive to a compromise. He talked about the children killed last december in Connecticut, the Chicago highschool girl who was shot not a long time ago just after school in a park, about the deaths in the movie theater this summer... This week a shooting oocured in Willmington, Delaware in the court office. Not a long time a Chicago's mother of 4 lost all of her children shooting after shooting...

However you feel in this country the lobbying power of the National Rifle Association. Obama was depicted in a picture where he was shooting on targets in Camp David. He is willing to convince gun owners that he is one of them. He "respects the tradition of hunting that trace back in this country for generations". But when I see guns advertising, I'm not sure that those guns are for killing rodents, deers or rabbits, they will explode them !
The big toy company Hasbro has in its catalogue some "frigthening" toys for children of 8 and older. It's not the same playing with those toys and with just fingers or sticks mickmicking guns. The toys are delivering "false" bullets but it's bullets.

The optimistic part is that gun control advocates are gaining voices and they organize themselves to have money and weight on politicians as do the NRA. Some Congressmen had a sticker last wednesday to say that they were for gun control. A big voice right now is Ms Giffords, the politician who was shot two years ago when campaigning, she is reconvering for her injury, she is paralized and have a hard time to talk but her speech is emotionnally efficient.

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