jeudi 11 juillet 2013

Can't wait to watch The tunnel TV serie

I'm a fan of serie TV : Desperate Housewives, In treatment, Mad men, The wire, Six feet under, Homeland, Borgen....
The TV industry use to import its scripts upon countries ; In treatment was first broadcast in Israel with Israelian backgrounds, Desperate housewives have a new life in Argentina, in Texas and so on.
A new serie which will be release next year is appealing, it will be called The tunnel, it will be about resolving a murder  between Great Britain and France ; it will have cross cultural themes. The original script is from Sweden and Denmark, the TV serie name's is "Bron/Broen" (bridge in the 2 langages). The US will film their own, it will be between Mexico and the US.

A dream comes true : you can be a mermaid !

Where you crazy about mermaid like my daughter Eugenie when you where young? Would you, like to be Ariel, the Disney character? Have you $2,000 to spend?
If yes, to be a mermaid is possible. Actually a man, calling himself "the mertailor" , is crafting mermaid tails. You will be able to swim as a mermaid in the Weeki Wachee pool in Florida ; they organize summer camps. Lady Gaga has already one tail
So don't wait and visit the website :

mardi 9 juillet 2013

I have a dream...The Lincoln Highway !

Next time we are in the US, why not a rent a car and drive from the east coast to the west coast, from New York Manhattan 42d street to San Francisco, two cherished cities in my heart?
The length is 3,389 miles or 5,454 kms. You drive through New Jersey, Pensylvannia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada andCalifornia.You will experience the wild West and you will be thrilled.

vendredi 5 juillet 2013

Lafayette and Rochambeau...

We live near a street called Lafayette.... The marquis de Lafayette was the first person granted a US citizenship in the beginning of the 18th century. He was a general in the American revolutionary war, he was under the commandment of G. Washington and he asked France several times to help the American people. He has fighted at the battle of Brandywine in Delaware state in 1777. He spoke in front of the American congress in Philadelphia. He went back and forth to the US. He is well-known here.

Fireworks on the emergency lane...

Yesterday it was the 4th of july, the day you celebrate the American independence. They were fireworks in Newark and Wilmington but as we were invited to a pool party, we have decided to skip this experience. Anyway we saw some on our way back and it was a little bit scary because cars stopped on the highway emergency lane (we were at the beginning driving at more than 100 kms per hour), some even were outside sitted in folding chairs... These Americans, strange fellows sometimes!

mardi 2 juillet 2013

Treasures of the Academy of fine arts

Inside the Academy of fine arts in Philadelphia, you can see paintings and sculptures from ancient students. For instance, Cecilia Beaux have studied there at the end of the 19 century ; she was a daughter of french immigrants and she travelled in France to meet other painters ; guess who...
You can see also a Welch's painting very well known in the US reporting the 1st treaty signed between Indians and US citiizens, it was between the Lenape indians from Delaware, Quakers from Pensylvannia and merchants.

jeudi 27 juin 2013

Dream of the Hamptons?

The Hamptons are a group of villages which are at the end of Long Island in New York state. The coast at the end has a fork's shape ; you have the South Fork, the most well known, and the North Fork. In the south fork, you have the most expensive houses in the US ; it's an hour and a half drive from Manhattan, NYC ; celebrities in this small "world" are everywhere. You have the Hamptons style or you don't have it...
It looks like a lot where the Great Gatsby takes place, the Fitzgerald's best seller even if the West and East villages depicted in the novel are nearer from Manhattan (they still are on Long Island).